Category Archives: Pentax mirrorless camera

Ricoh filed a patent for a 100-300mm f/2.8-4 SR full-frame mirrorless lens

A few days ago Ricoh filed a patent application in Japan for several full-frame mirrorless telephoto lenses: 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 100-300mm f/2.8-4 A month ago another Ricoh patent also described sumular mirrorless lenses: 70-400mm 70-300mm The third 150-600mm lens described in the patent is for DSLR cameras (equipped with image stabilization)

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Pentax mirrorless camera mockup

A reader sent me some Pentax mirrorless camera mockups that actually look pretty good (Ricoh has repeated on multiple occasions that they will never produce a mirrorless camera system):

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Pentax Q mirrorless camera: “hope is almost completely gone, unless a miracle happens, it will never be revived”

The Japanese photographer Kimio Tanaka, who has Ricoh/Pentax insider information and has a good track record of reporting relevant information, mentioned on Twitter that a new Pentax Q mirrorless camera is out of the question – “hope is almost completely gone, unless a miracle happens, it will never be revived“:

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Ricoh CEO: “Some say Pentax should be mirrorless. I cannot do it.”

In a recent interview with Alfa Romeo Japan (both companies had a collaboration recently), Ricoh’s President and CEO Shinobu Takahashi confirmed again that Pentax will not release a mirrorless camera  (this is nothing new really, a similar statement has been repeated for a while):

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Kimio Tanaka: Ricoh has no plans for a 24×36 or 645 mirrorless camera

A recent tweet from Kimio Tanaka states that Ricoh has no plans for a 24×36 or 645 mirrorless camera:

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Ricoh executives think that in 1-2 years mirrorless users will start switching back to DSLR

Imaging Resource published their interview with Ricoh executives. Here are some interesting quotes:

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Ricoh interview at Nippon Camera magazine (recap)

The January edition of Nippon Camera magazine has an interview with Ricoh/Pentax about their plans for 2019. Here is a recap:

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