Ricoh released their financial results for the fiscal year 2019. Here are a few quotes from the slides above:
Ricoh released their financial results for the fiscal year 2019. Here are a few quotes from the slides above:
Ricoh published this morning their financial results for the third quarter and the first nine months of their 2018/03 fiscal year, i.e. for the October 2017 – December 2017 and April 2017 – December 2017 periods. “Sales in the Other segment increased by 14.3% to ¥151.8 billion as compared to the previous corresponding period. Though […]
Ricoh published today their quarterly financial report for the first quarter of their 2017-2018 fiscal year (three month period ending on June 30, 2017). It’s difficult to infer anything quantitative concerning Ricoh Imaging or Pentax from the figures of the “Other” division since Ricoh henceforth specifies that the “Other” division includes the following product lines (see […]
In case you missed the Nikkei article “For Ricoh, it’s a sink-or-swim moment” I shared earlier today on Facebook and Twitter, here are a few quotes:
Ricoh lost 10 billion yen and will revise downward their financial forecast (Google translated): Ricoh Co., Ltd. announced that it will revise downward forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007 on April 11. Approximately 10 billion yen (over 90 million USD) is recorded as impairment loss. Because we can not anticipate expected profits […]
Ricoh is considering to withdraw from the camera business – this news comes from Nikkei, here is the English version: The Japanese company will radically review a production and manufacturing strategy centered on cameras for the retail market, including such brands as Pentax and GR. Options include withdrawing from this segment altogether. In America, Ricoh is […]