Category Archives: Firmware updates

Pentax Ricoh firmware updates

Ricoh GR III v1.71 and GR IIIx v1.21 firmware updates released

Ricoh released new firmware updates for the GR III and GR IIIx cameras:

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Ricoh GR III v1.70 and GR IIIx v1.20 firmware updates released

As already reported earlier today, the latest Image Sync version 2.1.15 was linked to new GR III v1.70 and GR IIIx v1.20 firmware updates that were just officially released with new JPG presets and connection to ImageSync:

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Additional information on the new Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF firmware updates

Here are the full details for the new Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF firmware updates I reported last night:

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Ricoh released function-expansion firmware updates for the Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF cameras

Ricoh released function-expansion firmware updates for the Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF cameras including the previously reported winter-themed FUYUNO mode: Pentax KF firmware update version 1.10 Pentax K-3 MARK III firmware update version 1.70 Pentax K-1 MARK II firmware update version 2.10 Pentax K-1 firmware update version 2.10 Additional information:

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Ricoh released new function-expansion firmware updates for Pentax K-1/K-1 II/K-3 III cameras featuring autumn-themed KYUSHU mode

Ricoh released new function-expansion firmware updates for Pentax K-1, K-1 Mark II, and K-3 Mark III cameras featuring the autumn-themed KYUSHU mode: Pentax K-3 Mark III firmware update version 1.60 Pentax K-1 Mark II firmware update version 2.00 Pentax K-1 firmware update version 2.00 Digital Camera Utility 5 Update Version Mac OS 5.9.5 Digital Camera […]

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Update: Ricoh GR IIIx firmware update version 1.11 and Ricoh GR III firmware update version 1.61 released

In addition to the GR III firmware update version 1.61 I reported yesterday, Rioch also released a new firmware for the GR IIIx camera:

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Ricoh GR III firmware update version 1.61 released

Ricoh released firmware update version 1.61 for the GR III camera with the following changes:

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