Here are the latest releases from Topaz, DxO, Skylum, ON1, Capture One, and Adobe:

→ Topaz Labs released Photo AI version 1.0.2 (Photo AI combines DeNoise AI, Sharpen AI, and Gigapixel AI into one package). The release notes can be found here. Photo AI is currently $40 off until October 7. You can get an additional 15% off with code GETPHOTOAI.

→ Today DxO released PhotoLab 6 and ViewPoint 4 (more info available here).

→ Skylum announced their fifth paid extension for Luminar Neo that will be released in November: Focus Stacking (the other extensions so far are Upscale AI, AI Background Removal, HDR Merge, and Noiseless AI Extensions). Use code RUMORSNEO for $10 off.

→ The all-new ON1 Photo RAW 2023 is coming on October 10th (more info here). The 2023 version will be the most significant update in ON1 Photo RAW’s history with many new AI-powered features (see sneak peeks here).

→ Check out also the ON1 Creative library.

→ is currently offering some savings on their Capture One Hidden Feature eBook and Pro Color Grading Styles for Capture One (you can get an additional 10% off with code RUMORS):

→ Capture One introduces tethering for iPad.

→ Capture One Pro 23 is coming soon (expected before the end of 2023).

→ Adobe announced Photoshop and Premiere Elements 2023 – now available at Adorama, Amazon, and B&H. Additional information is available on Adobe’s website (see also hands-on review).
Via NikonRumors