Category Archives: Pentax K-3 Mark III

Ricoh announces new Pentax K-3 Mark III Monochrome DSLR camera

Ricoh Imaging just officially announced the PENTAX K-3 Mark III Monochrome camera, exclusively designed to capture black-and-white images. This is the only monochrome-specific digital SLR camera currently on the market (Leica has compact and rangefinder Monochrom cameras). The price is $2,199.95. Shipping will start in late April. Pre-orders will open soon at Adorama, Amazon, and […]

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Pentax K-3 III Monochrome camera leaked pictures

As I already reported, Rioch is expected to announce the Pentax K-3 III Monochrome camera tomorrow. Shipping will start on April 28th. Here are the first leaked pictures:

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Additional information on the new Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF firmware updates

Here are the full details for the new Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF firmware updates I reported last night:

Also posted in Firmware updates, Pentax K-1, Pentax K-1 Mark II, Pentax K-3, Pentax KF | 1 Comment

Ricoh released function-expansion firmware updates for the Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF cameras

Ricoh released function-expansion firmware updates for the Pentax K-1, K-1 II, K-3 III, and KF cameras including the previously reported winter-themed FUYUNO mode: Pentax KF firmware update version 1.10 Pentax K-3 MARK III firmware update version 1.70 Pentax K-1 MARK II firmware update version 2.10 Pentax K-1 firmware update version 2.10 Additional information:

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The crowdfunded Pentax K-3 Mark III Jet Black Edition camera is now available for purchase in the US (limited quantities available)

I already reported that a limited number of the crowdfunded Pentax K-3 Mark III Jet Black Edition cameras will be available in Australia and in Europe (see this and this blog post). In addition to Sweden and Italy, I was told that 30 cameras will be available in Germany. As of today, the Pentax K-3 […]

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