Ricoh released firmware and software updates for two compact cameras: Firmware update version 1.03 for the Ricoh WG-6 camera DC software II update for the Ricoh G900SE camera
Ricoh released updated DC software II, version 1.0.1 for the G900SE and version 1.0.3 for the Ricoh G900 cameras: DC Software II Update (RICOH G900SE) DC Software II Update (RICOH G900)
Ricoh WG-6 camera: Pre-order: Adorama | B&H Press release Ricoh G900 camera: Pre-order: Adorama | B&H Press release A new Ricoh G900SE camera was also announced: Rioch GR III pre-orders: Adorama | B&H | WEX | Park Camera Like the new Ricoh GR III Facebook page