Category Archives: Pentax mirrorless camera

Ricoh executives think that in 1-2 years mirrorless users will start switching back to DSLR

Imaging Resource published their interview with Ricoh executives. Here are some interesting quotes:

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Ricoh interview at Nippon Camera magazine (recap)

The January edition of Nippon Camera magazine has an interview with Ricoh/Pentax about their plans for 2019. Here is a recap:

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There is no Pentax LX mirrorless camera, but there was a Pentax Digital K mirrorless camera concept back in 1997

The Pentax LX mirrorless camera was just a concept drawings created by a Pentax fan 7 years ago. The Pentax Digital K mirrorless camera with K-mount, on the other hand, was real (pictured above) – it was designed back in 1997 and was on display at the 2006 Photokina show:

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