Here are the latest Pentax 17 film camera YouTube reviews (check pricing and availability at Adorama, B&H, Paul’s, Erhardt, Koch, Amazon DE, WEX):
Here are the latest Pentax 17 film camera YouTube reviews (check pricing and availability at Adorama, B&H, Paul’s, Erhardt, Koch, Amazon DE, WEX):
Ricoh published a long list of Q&A about the new Pentax 17 film camera (check pricing and availability at Adorama, B&H, Erhardt, Koch, Amazon, WEX):
Ricoh is considering increasing production of the new Pentax 17 film camera, according to a recent interview with Ricoh executive published by ITmedia. Here is the recap by digicame-info:
Ricoh Japan issued a temporary order suspension for the new Pentax 17 film camera due to high demand. Pre-orders are still open in the US and Europe: Adorama | B&H | Paul’s | Koch | WEX. Full text of the notice (Google translation):
Here are the Pentax 17 camera easter eggs – inspired, designed, and developed from historic Pentax products: Pentax 17 pre-order links: Adorama | B&H | Paul’s | Koch | WEX.
Despite the Pentax 17 supply shortage, the new film camera is currently in stock at WEX Photo UK: Check availability at Adorama, B&H Photo, Paul’s Photo, and Foto Koch. Pentax 17 film camera additional information