Pentax 17 film camera teardown video

Pentax 17 film camera teardown video – a look inside the new film camera from Pentax (check pricing and availability at AdoramaB&H,  Paul’sErhardtKochAmazon DEWEX):

This is a long video, so here are  the chapter listings below:

00:40 Removing the bottom plate

00:56 Advancing the film

01:43 Investigating the film advance solenoid

02:55 Removing the rewind knob

04:09 Removing the advance lever

05:10 Removing the top plate

06:01 Discovering and disconnecting the FPC connector

06:28 Discovering and disconnecting the flash

07:45 Inspecting the top plate

08:08 Inspecting the camera body under the top plate

08:33 Discovering and explaining the focus zone selector

09:12 Removing the viewfinder

09:52 Safely discharging the flash capacitor

11:11 Deeper dive under the top plate

11:50 Removing the rewind knob mount

12:24 Removing the right hand leatherette

13:54 Removing the tripod socket mount

14:16 Removing the left hand leatherette

15:22 Removing the final front plate retaining screws

15:42 Removing the front plate

15:53 Inspecting the guts of the camera body

17:00 Closeup of the film advance mechanism

17:19 Identifying the flash capacitor charging circuit

17:27 Removing the outer lens barrel

18:00 Inspecting the outer lens barrel

18:06 Inspecting the lens assembly

18:24 Comments on the design of the Pentax 17

19:06 Survey of parts

19:46 Outro