First leaked pictures of the upcoming HD PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4 and smc PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4 Classic lenses

Here are the first pictures of the upcoming HD PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4 and smc PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4 Classic lenses: HD PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4: Scheduled release date: June 9, , 2023 Price: 54,800 yen including tax ($349.95) smc PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4 Classic: Scheduled release date: June 9, 2023 Price: 59,800 yen including tax Via digicame-info No … Continue reading First leaked pictures of the upcoming HD PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4 and smc PENTAX-FA 50mm f/1.4 Classic lenses