Top 10 PentaxRumors posts for February 2021




Here are the top 10 PentaxRumors blog posts for February 2020:

  1. This is the new Pentax K-1 Mark II J Limited 01 DSLR camera (leaked pictures)
  2. New HD PENTAX-FA 77mm f/1.8 Limited lens to be announced next
  3. Coming soon: three HD PENTAX-FA Limited lenses and a new Pentax K-1 Mark II J Limited 01 camera
  4. The new Pentax K-3 Mark III APS-C DSLR flagship camera is delayed again
  5. Pentax digest #30 (Pentax KP J Limited is discontinued, Ricoh is 85 years old today, the latest financial reports)
  6. Ricoh GR III ING special edition camera announced in China
  7. Updated Pentax K-mount lens roadmap released
  8. Ricoh officially announced the development of a new HD PENTAX-DA★16-50mm f/2.8 ED PLM AW lens
  9. More picture of the new HD PENTAX-FA lenses
  10. Ricoh opens their first brand store in Moscow