Pentax & Ricoh Rumors
Top 10 PentaxRumors posts for July 2020
5 years ago
Top 10 posts
Top 10
PentaxRumors blog posts for July 2020:
Pentax to release more info on the upcoming flagship APS-C DSLR camera on July 22
Pentax Vision Part 2: the latest information on the new Pentax K-new flagship APS-C DSLR camera (video)
Class action lawsuit for Pentax cameras aperture defects filed in New York
On July 16th Ricoh will release a video “What the PENTAX camera will value in the future”
Rumors: the new Pentax K APS-C flagship camera to be announced in September
What Pentax values most in future cameras and their commitment to SLR cameras
HD PENTAX-D FA★ 85mm f/1.4 ED SDM AW lens review
More pictures of the upcoming flagship Pentax K DSLR APS-C camera
Ricoh GR III firmware update version 1.41 released
Nikkei: “Ricoh is also exposed to activist investors”
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