The 2020 CP+ show is now officially canceled

Ricoh issued a notice about the cancelation of the 2020 CP+ Camera and Photo Imaging show in Japan due to the coronavirus outbreak – see the full translated press release at FujiAddict.

Updated – her is the original press text:

Cancellation of CP+ (Camera and Photo Imaging Show) 2020

Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA; President: Masaya Maeda) here announces the cancellation of CP+2020. Given there is no effective treatment or containment measures to deal with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we have chosen to cancel CP+2020 because we put top priority on the health and safety of visitors and exhibitors. The event was originally scheduled to be held over 4 days at PACIFICO Yokohama from February 27.

CP+ is a trade show for consumers. The main feature of this show is that visitors can actually handle the newest camera and related equipment to get a feel for how they operate. The event attracts around 70,000 unspecified visitors and therefore we cannot completely eliminate the risk of infection. The CIPA believes it is important to avoid such risk at all cost. While it is truly regrettable, we have decided to cancel this year’s show.

We ask for your cooperation and understanding concerning this matter.

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