Top 10 PentaxRumors posts for April 2019

Top 10 PentaxRumors posts for April 2019:

  1. New Pentax ME-D digital camera leaked on the official Ricoh Imaging UK Facebook page
  2. Ricoh released firmware update version 1.10 for the new GR III camera with AF and other improvements
  3. Ricoh GR III Sensor Measurements at PhotonsToPhotos
  4. New Ricoh GR III camera reviews
  5. The latest Ricoh GR III videos
  6. New Pentax rebates (expire tomorrow)
  7. Ricoh GR III is the best selling camera at Map Camera for March
  8. Pentax Digital Camera Utility version 5.8.3 released
  9. 2019 TIPA awards: the Ricoh GR III is the best expert compact camera
  10. Ricoh announced the release dates of the new WG-6 and Theta Z1 cameras
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