The 2018 Pentaxians Yearbook

The 2018 edition of the PENTAXIANS YEARBOOK just hit the internet. The yearbook is a collection of images shot by PENTAXIANS Facebook Community members during 2018. This is the second edition of the yearbook and all the positive feedback and widespread publication of the 2017 edition made it relatively easy to create the 2018 edition. The base concept – choosing NOT to have a jury or competition definitely worked again – Every member was allowed to contribute and every member decided by himself which shot he wanted to have in the book.

This year we received more contributions and the overall quality of the contributions also rose to a higher level. It makes us really proud, to see so much talent in the PENTAXIANS community – from both professionals and enthusiastic amateurs working to a professional standard.

The new yearbook is bigger and better in every dimension. 248 pages full of wonderful photographs taken with the best cameras out there.

This non-profit project was initialized and realized by Stephen Obermeier (Germany) and Béla Nagy (Hungary). The book is available as a free download or printed hardcover book (21x21cm) on the projects website:

The cover photo was taken by Ken Pimontel (Belgium) – Model: Anna Janssens – Hair and make-up: Jan Vangeel

The cover photograph is also rewarded by Ricoh Imaging Germany with a Ricoh WG-60.

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